JavaScript Crash Course: Master Coding Basics in 100 Seconds!

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JavaScript Crash Course: Master Coding Basics in 100 Seconds!

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, learning to code has become an essential skill. Among the vast array of programming languages, JavaScript stands out as one of the most popular and widely used. If you’re new to coding or looking to enhance your skills, this crash course is your gateway to mastering the fundamentals of JavaScript in just 100 seconds!

Designed to be concise and efficient, this crash course will take you on a whirlwind journey through the building blocks of JavaScript. Whether you’re a web developer, an aspiring software engineer, or simply curious about coding, this article will provide you with a solid foundation to start writing dynamic and interactive scripts. From understanding variables and data types to exploring control structures and functions, we’ll cover the essential concepts that will empower you to create impressive projects with JavaScript. So buckle up and get ready to embark on a thrilling coding adventure!

Why Learn JavaScript
The Basics of JavaScript Syntax
Variables and Data Types
Control Flow and Loops in JavaScript
Functions and Objects in JavaScript

Why Learn JavaScript

Why Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is an essential programming language for anyone embarking on a career in web development or software engineering. With its ubiquity, versatility, and wide range of applications, learning JavaScript is a crucial step toward becoming a proficient coder. In this section, we will delve into the reasons why learning JavaScript is highly beneficial for both beginners and experienced programmers.

First and foremost, JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development. It is the programming language that enables interactive and dynamic interfaces on websites. By learning JavaScript, you gain the ability to bring static webpages to life, incorporating visually appealing animations, responsive designs, and user-friendly functionalities. With the rise of web applications and the emphasis on user experience, mastering JavaScript is a prerequisite for creating modern and engaging websites.

Moreover, JavaScript is a highly versatile language that extends far beyond the realm of web development. As a general-purpose language, it can be used to develop mobile applications, server-side and back-end solutions, build games, and even develop desktop applications. By learning JavaScript, you open up a myriad of opportunities to pursue different career paths and work on a variety of projects across different platforms.

One key advantage of JavaScript is its simplicity and ease of learning. Compared to other programming languages, such as Java or C++, JavaScript has a relatively gentle learning curve, which makes it accessible for beginners. Its syntax is more forgiving, allowing developers to write code with fewer lines, making it easier to read and understand. Furthermore, JavaScript does not require complex setup or compilation processes, allowing developers to quickly see the results of their code changes. This simplicity makes JavaScript an ideal starting point for individuals new to programming.

JavaScript’s vast ecosystem is another reason to dive into learning the language. With a vast array of libraries, frameworks, and tools available, JavaScript provides a wealth of resources and support for developers. Popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js allow developers to build complex applications efficiently, while libraries like jQuery simplify the process of manipulating and animating elements on web pages. By learning JavaScript, you gain access to this extensive ecosystem, opening up boundless possibilities for your coding projects.

Furthermore, JavaScript is a language that is constantly evolving, with continuous updates and new features being introduced regularly. This means that by learning JavaScript, you stay relevant and adaptable within the ever-changing landscape of programming. Keeping up with the latest advancements in JavaScript ensures that you are equipped with the most cutting-edge tools and techniques, allowing you to deliver high-quality code that meets modern industry standards.

Lastly, JavaScript offers a strong community support system. With a vast number of online resources, forums, and developer communities, seeking help and guidance when encountering challenges becomes a seamless process. The JavaScript community is known for its openness and willingness to assist fellow developers, creating a collaborative and supportive environment for learning and growth.

In conclusion, learning JavaScript is a smart investment for anyone looking to establish a career in programming or web development. Its prevalence on the web, versatility, ease of learning, extensive ecosystem, constant evolution, and strong community support make JavaScript an indispensable language in the modern coding landscape. Whether you aim to build interactive websites, develop mobile applications, or explore new frontiers in software engineering, acquiring proficiency in JavaScript is a fundamental step toward mastering the art of coding.

The Basics of JavaScript Syntax

The Basics of JavaScript Syntax

JavaScript, as one of the most widely used programming languages, boasts a syntax that is both flexible and powerful. Understanding the basics of JavaScript syntax is essential for anyone looking to delve into the world of web development or add interactivity to their website. In this section, we will explore the fundamental concepts of JavaScript syntax, including variables, data types, operators, control flow, and functions.

At its core, JavaScript relies on variables to store and manipulate data. These variables can hold various types of values, such as numbers, strings, arrays, objects, or even functions. To declare a variable, we use the keyword “var,” followed by the variable name, and optionally assign an initial value using the assignment operator “=”.

JavaScript supports several data types, including numbers, strings, booleans, null, undefined, arrays, and objects. Numbers can be integers or floating-point numbers; strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single or double quotes; and booleans represent either true or false values. Null and undefined are special types that indicate the absence of a value. Arrays are used to store collections of values, while objects provide a way to define complex structures with properties and methods.

Operators in JavaScript are used to perform operations on variables and values. Arithmetic operators, such as +, -, *, /, and %, allow us to perform mathematical calculations. Comparison operators, like ==,!=, ===, and!==, compare values and return boolean results. Logical operators, such as &&, ||, and! are used for logical operations. Assignment operators, like +=, -=, *=, and /=, combine the assignment with an arithmetic operation.

Control flow is an essential aspect of any programming language, and JavaScript offers several constructs to control the flow of execution. Conditionals, including if statements and switch statements, allow us to execute different parts of code depending on certain conditions. Looping structures, like for, while, and do-while loops, enable the repetition of code until a condition is met. The keyword “break” can be used to exit a loop prematurely, while “continue” skips the current iteration and moves on to the next one.

Functions are a crucial part of JavaScript and are used to create reusable blocks of code. They allow us to encapsulate logic, accept parameters, and return values. To define a function, we use the keyword “function,” followed by the function name and a set of parentheses that contain the function’s parameters. The function body is enclosed in curly braces and contains the code to be executed when the function is called. To invoke a function, we simply use its name followed by parentheses.

JavaScript also provides access to the Document Object Model (DOM), allowing us to interact with HTML elements on a web page. This interaction allows us to dynamically modify the content and appearance of a webpage based on user input or other events. By selecting elements using methods like getElementById or querySelector, we can manipulate their properties, add or remove classes, or even create new elements and append them to the DOM.

In conclusion, the basics of JavaScript syntax cover fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, operators, control flow, and functions. Understanding these concepts is essential for anyone looking to harness the power of JavaScript and build dynamic and interactive websites. By mastering the syntax, developers can unlock the full potential of JavaScript and create engaging web experiences.

Variables and Data Types

Variables and Data Types

In the world of programming, variables are fundamental building blocks that enable us to store and manipulate data. They act as containers, capable of holding different types of information. Understanding variables and data types is crucial when starting to code with JavaScript, as they lay the groundwork for creating dynamic and interactive applications.

In JavaScript, variables are declared using the keyword “var,” followed by the variable’s name. It is important to choose descriptive and meaningful names for variables to enhance code readability and maintainability. However, variable names cannot start with numbers or contain special characters except for underscores and dollar signs.

Once a variable has been declared, it can hold various types of data. JavaScript supports several data types: strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, objects, and more. Each data type serves a specific purpose and allows for the manipulation of different kinds of information.

A string is a sequence of characters enclosed within quotes, either single or double. It can contain letters, numbers, symbols, and even spaces. Strings are widely used to represent and manipulate text-based data. For example, a variable named “name” could hold the value “John Doe” to represent a person’s name.

Numbers, as one would expect, represent numeric values within JavaScript. They can be either integers or floating-point numbers. JavaScript performs mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with ease. Variables holding numbers enable developers to perform complex calculations or manipulate data based on numerical values.

Boolean data types represent logical values, either true or false. They are exceptionally useful for making decisions or creating control flow within programs. For instance, a variable named “is logged in” could hold the value “true” or “false” to determine whether a user is currently authenticated.

Arrays are JavaScript’s way of storing multiple values in a single variable. They can hold any combination of data types, including strings, numbers, or even other arrays. Arrays are especially useful when dealing with lists or collections of data, allowing for easy access and manipulation of individual elements. For example, an array named “fruits” could store the values [“apple”, “banana”, “orange”].

Objects, on the other hand, are more complex data types that can hold a collection of properties and their corresponding values. Each property consists of a key and a value, similar to a dictionary. Objects enable developers to represent real-world entities, define their characteristics, and access or modify their properties as necessary. For instance, an object named “person” could store properties like name, age, and email.

In JavaScript, variables are not bound to a specific data type. This flexibility allows variables to change their values and even data types throughout the program’s execution. It is worth noting that JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning variable types are determined at runtime rather than being explicitly defined.

To access the value stored within a variable, we can simply refer to it by its name. For example, if we have a variable named “score” holding the value 100, we can use “score” in our code to perform calculations or display the score to the user.

In conclusion, understanding variables and data types is crucial when learning JavaScript. Variables act as containers to store different types of data, such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and objects. By manipulating these variables, developers can create dynamic and interactive applications. Whether it is representing text, numbers, or complex entities, mastering variables, and data types is an essential step toward becoming proficient in JavaScript

Control Flow and Loops in JavaScript

Control Flow and Loops in JavaScript

In JavaScript, control flow refers to the order in which statements are executed in a program. It allows developers to control the behavior of their code based on certain conditions or events. Alongside control flow, loops are an essential feature in JavaScript that enables the repetition of certain tasks or actions. Understanding control flow and loops is crucial for mastering coding basics in JavaScript and building efficient and dynamic applications.

One of the most commonly used control flow statements in JavaScript is the “if” statement. The “if” statement allows developers to specify a certain condition and execute a block of code if that condition evaluates to true. This statement is often used to make decisions in a program based on user input or other events. By using the “if” statement, developers can create different branches in the code execution, allowing for more flexibility and interactivity.

Another important control flow statement is the “else if” statement. This statement is used in conjunction with the “if” statement to specify an alternative condition to be checked if the initial condition evaluates to false. Multiple “else if” statements can be chained together to handle different scenarios and make complex decisions in the code. It is crucial to write clear and precise conditions within these statements to ensure the code behaves as expected.

Additionally, the “else” statement can be used to provide a default block of code to execute if none of the preceding conditions in the “if” and “else if” statements are met. This statement is useful when there is a need for a fallback option or a default behavior that should occur when none of the specified conditions are fulfilled.

Moving on to loops, there are three main types of loops in JavaScript: the “for” loop, the “while” loop, and the “do-while” loop. The “for” loop is commonly used when there is a need to repeat a specific block of code for a certain number of iterations. It consists of an initialization expression, a condition that is checked before each iteration, and an increment or decrement expression that is executed after each iteration.

The “while” loop is used when the code needs to be repeated as long as a certain condition is true. In this loop, the condition is checked before each iteration, and if it evaluates to true, the loop body is executed. If the condition is false from the beginning, the loop body is never executed.

Lastly, the “do-while” loop is similar to the “while” loop, but with a slight difference. In the “do-while” loop, the condition is checked after each iteration, meaning that the loop body is executed at least once before the condition is evaluated. This makes it useful when there is a need for a certain code block to be executed at least once, regardless of the condition.

By effectively utilizing control flow statements and loops, developers can create powerful and dynamic applications that respond to user input and various events. These concepts provide the necessary tools to make decisions, handle different scenarios, and repeat code as needed. Mastery of these fundamental concepts is crucial for any JavaScript developer looking to write efficient and scalable code.

Functions and Objects in JavaScript

Functions and Objects in JavaScript

JavaScript, being a versatile and powerful programming language, offers numerous features and constructs that allow developers to create complex and dynamic applications. Two such fundamental concepts in JavaScript are functions and objects.

Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task and can be executed whenever needed. They provide a way to group related code together, making it easier to manage and reuse. In JavaScript, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and even returned as values from other functions.

Defining a function in JavaScript involves using the ‘function’ keyword, followed by the function name, a list of parameters in parentheses, and the code block enclosed in curly braces. For example:

function greet(name) {
console.log(‘Hello, ‘ + name + ‘!’);

In this example, the ‘greet’ function takes a single parameter ‘name’ and logs a greeting message to the console. To invoke or call a function, we simply use the function name followed by parentheses and any necessary arguments. For example:


This will output ‘Hello, John!’ to the console. Functions in JavaScript can also return values using the ‘return’ keyword. For instance:

function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;

var result = sum(2, 3);
console.log(result); // Output: 5

In this example, the ‘sum’ function takes two parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’, and returns their sum. The returned value is then stored in the ‘result’ variable and logged to the console.

Objects, on the other hand, are complex data structures that allow the storage and manipulation of multiple values and functions as properties. In JavaScript, objects are created using either object literal notation or constructor functions.

Object literal notation involves enclosing key-value pairs within curly braces. Each key-value pair represents a property and its corresponding value. For example:

var person = {
name: ‘John’,
age: 30,
profession: ‘Web Developer’,
greet: function() {
console.log(‘Hello, my name is ‘ + + ‘!’);

In this example, the ‘person’ object has properties such as ‘name’, ‘age’, ‘profession’, and ‘greet’. The ‘greet’ property is a function that logs a personalized greeting message using the ‘name’ property.

To access an object’s properties or invoke its methods, we use the dot notation. For instance:

console.log(; // Output: John
person.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is John!

We can also create objects using constructor functions. Constructor functions act as blueprints for creating multiple objects with similar properties and behaviors. For example:

function Person(name, age, profession) { = name;
this.age = age;
this.profession = profession;
this.greet = function() {
console.log(‘Hello, my name is ‘ + + ‘!’);

var john = new Person(‘John’, 30, ‘Web Developer’);

In this example, the ‘Person’ constructor function defines properties and methods for creating person objects. The ‘new’ keyword is used to instantiate a new object based on the constructor function.

Functions and objects

In conclusion, the “JavaScript Crash Course: Master Coding Basics in 100 Seconds!” offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of JavaScript coding. This article illustrates how, in just 100 seconds, readers can acquire a solid understanding of the core concepts and syntax of JavaScript. By emphasizing a step-by-step approach, it enables both beginners and experienced programmers to grasp the basics of JavaScript quickly and efficiently. Additionally, the inclusion of practical examples and demonstrations further enhances the learning experience, enabling readers to immediately apply their newfound knowledge. By immersing themselves in this crash course, individuals can embark on a coding journey that lays the foundation for more advanced JavaScript programming. Mastery of the coding basics covered in this article will undoubtedly prove to be a valuable asset for anyone interested in web development, application design, or pursuing a career in the tech industry.

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Hello, I'm Kraim Md. I have been working in the field of website development and design since 2016. I have extensive experience in creating diverse and responsive websites, with a special focus on the WordPress platform.

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45 thoughts on “JavaScript Crash Course: Master Coding Basics in 100 Seconds!”

  1. I'm not a web dev, I only evwr used js as typescript, and I don't know any alternative language to do what js does.

    that said, I need to ask, why is javascript so popular?
    A single threaded dynamic weak typed interpreted language sounds like an absolute nightmare for performance and debugging

  2. var NI = form.getColumnTotalOfField(“formfieldID1")

    if(form.getColumnTotalOfField("formfieldID2") > 175)


    form.getColumnTotalOfField("FormfieldID3") * 3 / 100;


    Who can translate this to something that makes sense and works

  3. Hey, we do not know each other but I would like to tell u that despite all the bad that you have done in your life, GOD still loves you and wants you to be with him (GOD), all yoi must do is to trust in Jesus like how he would trust in parachute when jumping out of a plane and you must be willing to turn from your wrong doings and do what is good😄😄😄

  4. Javascript was the first language I was actually able to get good at lol, I'm not sure how but me and my idiot friends managed to throw together a working, somewhat complex game without an engine just using javascript

  5. After watching dozens of javascript tutorials, I have been led to believe that the only way to make an element interact with code you have to go
    let x=document.getElementById("id");

    x.addEventListener("click", run);
    function run(){whatever};

  6. on 0.4 second You write GARAGE COLLECTED. But it shuold be GARBAGE COLLECTED. I'm a fan of you. so I decided to inform you. But dont know a beter solution then comment. Thank you so much for this kind of video.

  7. @Fireship

    Came here from your site using the javascript course. The videos aren't even appearing and the links to this video are causing an error.

    Whatever the case, vids on your site aren't working on my linux PC which has no problem navigating to this site and playing the video from the browser rather than being hyperlinked.

    Just thought you should know.

  8. 00:01 Javascript is a high-level, single-threaded, garbage-collected, interpreted or just-in-time compiled, prototype-based multi-paradigm dynamic language with a non-blocking event loop made famous for building websites.

    TOO MANY WORDS! let's break it down 🔽

    – High Level🌿: Easier to read, it has great flexibility as it uses functions as objects and provides a lot of different data structures to work with, without worrying about how they work internally.

    – Single-threaded🪡: only one line of code can be executed at any given time, though it is changing with recent advancements

    – Garbage collected 🗑: JavaScript automatically allocates memory when objects are created and frees it when they are not used anymore.

    – Interpreted🎙: interpreter in the browser reads over the JavaScript code, interprets each line, and runs it. More modern browsers use a technology known as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, which compiles JavaScript to executable bytecode just as it is about to run.

    – Prototype-based🌀: the style of object-oriented programming where classes are not present or it does not make the distinction between classes vs objects.

    – Multi-paradigm🪢: JavaScript supports both object-oriented programming as well as functional programming.

    – Dynamic language ❄: The language has data types, but does not check that a program's types are "okay" until the program is actually running. (also loosely typed)

    – Non-blocking event loop🏁: it doesn’t wait for the response of an API call, an Ajax request, an I/O event, or a timer but moves on with the other block of code below it.


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